Mobena mission is to support the players of the EV charging ecosystem, operating in France, by defining the roadmap and the means to ensure a successful and harmonized deployment of the e-Mobility services. The Mobena project has beeen launched on September 2021 and will extended to more partners, will particularly focus on integrating interoperability as an initial requirement and providing high added value services through a massive adoption of the ISO 15118 standard in a competitive and open market.
A particular focus is put on Smart Charging, Plug and Charge and the implicated end-to-end system interfaces, including backend communication protocols (OCPP, OCPI…), PKI and cyber security. This for both AC and DC charging.
More than twenty companies representing the different roles in the ecosystem are joining this initiative, forming a consortium agreement: energy specialists, OEMs, charging station manufacturers, charging infrastructure operators, e-mobility services providers, technology suppliers and cybersecurity specialists.

The VEDECOM Institute is a public-private partnership foundation for the Energy Transition (French ITE) dedicated to innovative and sustainable mobility.
It is missioned by the French State to support technological innovation and French industry committed in the future mobility. Based on an unprecedented collaboration of more than 50 players, including 20 members, it gathers academic establishments, local authorities, and private actors: automotive, public transport and mobility, logistics, road infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, aeronautics and defence, digital services and simulation, insurance…
This trusted third-party central role helps its members to accelerate together innovation and the deployment of new solutions. VEDECOM brings a systemic vision of the vehicle, its environment and the users.
VEDECOM’s missions: to support the deployment of electrification, new mobility and energy solutions, automated and connected mobility, threw collaborative projects and cutting-edge innovations.
Supported by the France 2030 Program, VEDECOM belongs to FIT, the French Institutes of Technology association involving 15 research institutes.
Following some R&D works focused on innovative charging systems and ISO15118 standard, VEDECOM has launched Mobena in 2020, alongwith the Mobena Initiative Committee members. VEDECOM coordinates Mobena initiative (kick of in July 2020) and Mobena Project (Nov 2021).
VEDECOM has been appointed member of the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) sub-group of the European Commission dedicated to governance and communication standards within the electromobility ecosystem.
The Mobena initiative committee was founded in 2021 in France. It regroups :
- PFA (Plateforme Française de l’Automobile)
- AVERE (Association nationale pour le développement de la mobilité électrique)
- AFIREV (Association Française pour l’Itinérance de la Recharge Electrique)
- GIMELEC (Groupement des entreprises de la filière électronumérique française)
- UFE (Union Française de l’Electricité)
- VEDECOM, a French Institue for Energy Transition, dedicated to research and innovation on the future mobilities, member for the FIT – French Institutes of Technology

The Mobena project partners implemen the following actions, in a collaborative framework within working groups:
- Definition of a transition roadmap towards new generation charging solutions and use cases to be adopted, including Plug and Charge and smart charging.
The project will focus on system architectures (interactions between the vehicle, the charging station and the operators’ backend) including communication protocols, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and cybersecurity. The approach integrates the two types of recharging, AC and DC.
- Technical guidelines for the development, testing and deployment of products and services supporting the ISO 15118 standard, validated by a technical committee before publication.
- Identification and follow-up of pilot projects to test deliverables on the field.
- Dissemination and lobbying to ensure the consistency and relevance of the choices made by Mobena in regard of other European initiatives and ecosystems. The aim is to disseminate the Project’s choices for wide adoption and to carry the idea of having a replicable solution at European level.
The main results of the project constitute a common good that will be made public at the end of the main project milestones.

define the adapted cybersecurity architecture (ISO 15118 PKI) for Plug and Charge (PnC).

BY 2020-2023
define a standardised, interoperable and industrialisable PnC and Smart Charging system to support a collaborative deployment. Some tests will be carried out on pilot sites. Various documents will be produced by the working group, training and technical workshops will be proposed in 2021 and 2022. At the end of this stage, all the players will benefit of all necessary tools and knowledge.

BY 2023
the planners and operaters will be able to start the deployment of the new-generation electric charging.